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Restorative Dentistry
Las Vegas, NV

Blonde little girl smiling in dental chair at Changing Smiles Pediatric Dentistry in Las Vegas, NVAt Changing Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, our main goal is to prevent oral hygiene problems before they occur. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. Even with a good dental hygiene regimen and regular appointments, tooth decay and other issues may still arise. It all depends on your child’s risk factors. As pediatric specialists, we offer several restorative treatments that can improve your child’s oral health. Most of our restorative services, like those listed below, are designed to repair the function and aesthetics of a damaged tooth. The type of treatment we recommend is dictated by your child’s individual needs.

Tooth Colored Fillings

Fillings are used to treat tooth structure that has been lost due to decay or trauma. The filling material is safe and can often be matched to the original color of the tooth. Our doctor will help you decide if this a good option for your child.

Crowns for Kids

When a tooth is damaged to the point that a filling is no longer a good treatment option a crown is usually recommended. A dental crown restores normal size and shape while strengthening and protecting it from further cracking or breakage. Stainless steel crowns are silver in color and used to protect the back molar teeth. When front teeth are involved, a white covering can be placed on the front of the crown so that it’s esthetic when your child smiles.

Space Maintainers

When a baby tooth is lost prematurely, a space maintainer is necessary to maintain the space that it occupied. Without proper space maintenance, permanent teeth can become crowded or impacted causing extensive orthodontic treatment later in life.

Tooth Extractions

We will do everything we can to maintain your child’s natural tooth. However, extractions are sometimes unavoidable. Common indications include infection and over-retention of baby teeth causing crowding with permanent teeth. The most common reasons for extraction include:
•  Tooth Decay: An extraction may be necessary if there is too much decay for a less invasive treatment option.
•  Structural Damage: Trauma to the facial structures can chip, fracture, or break a tooth beyond repair.
•  Space Management: If your child has teeth crowding issues, we may recommend extraction in preparation for orthodontics. An extraction creates the necessary space in the mouth to move the teeth to their proper positions.
•  Over-Retained Primary Teeth: Many children have primary (baby) teeth that fail to fall out in time. We may recommend an extraction to make space for the permanent teeth once they are ready to erupt.

While we will always try to preserve teeth, there are certain occasions where extraction is necessary. We may recommend an extraction to remove a problematic tooth that would otherwise create worse complications for your child’s oral health.


"Baby Root Canal"

Don’t worry! A baby root canal is a lot different than an adult root canal and can be completed quickly and comfortably for your child. When infection has reached the nerve (pulp) of the tooth, the pulp is treated (pulpotomy) and is often covered with a crown for long term health.

Schedule Your Child’s Appointment

Do not wait if you think your child needs restorative dentistry. Call (702) 998-2840 to schedule an appointment now!


(702) 998-2840


8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm

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Restorative Dentistry Las Vegas | Changing Smiles Pediatric Dentistry
Restorative Dentistry for Kids at Changing Smiles Pediatric Dentistry in Las Vegas, NV. Gentle care for healthy, happy little smiles.
Changing Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, 1750 Wheeler Peak Dr., Las Vegas, NV 89106 • (702) 998-2840 • • 2/1/2025 • Page Keywords: pediatrician Las Vegas NV •